21 Tips to Increase The Traffic of Your Ecommerce Business And Bring More Income


So, people know your online store, and you get good traffic. But what if your sales are still falling short? Well, you’re not alone. Many e-commerce stores have low conversion rates. Thus, they are unable to convert prospects into paying customers.

Low conversion rates eventually lead to problems for your business. When people visit your site, but you need to find a solution somewhere along the way, they don’t proceed with the purchase. 

Fortunately, there are many strategies that you can do to boost your online sales.  

Optimize Your Website for Mobile

The mobile trend is on the rise, as more and more people shop from their phones. According to eMarketer, it is projected that 40.1% of ecommerce sales happen on mobile devices, compared to 36.9% in 2019. 

Thus, having a well-designed, mobile-friendly site optimized for conversions is a top priority for most ecommerce retailers. Thus, as the competition is getting fierce, if you don’t offer a frictionless mobile experience, you’ll miss out on a lot of opportunities and money. 

Develop Your Social Media Presence

Your branding on social media can be tricky, with many current events and viral videos capturing your audience’s attention. There are several ways that you can reach your target audience on various social media platforms. 

Sites like Facebook use targeted advertising to reach your target demographic. You can easily set up ads via custom audiences. This lets you show your ads to people with the same demographic information as your existing customers. 

Similarly, you can segment visitors based on what they do on your website. You can do this via a retargeting pixel, retargeting your ads to these people. 

Implement SEO on your website

User experience and SEO work with each other. User experience is how your audience interacts with your site. When people have a positive experience with your business, you boost traffic, gain more web clicks, and enhance your SEO

SEO is a great way to bring organic traffic to your store and boost your e-commerce conversions. By optimizing it for particular keywords and phrases, you’ll rank higher in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), bringing in more people to your site. 

Try Email Marketing

Email marketing gives your customers a chance to create curated content that builds a connection between your audience and brand. By opting to get emails, you already know that a particular subscriber is interested in your products and services. 

Use an email verification service to ensure all the details of your subscribers are accurate. Also, send them free gifts, relevant content, and discounts to keep them engaged. 

Email marketing shouldn’t be spamming your subscribers with product offers. Instead, you need to send them content that offers them value. Otherwise, there’s a high chance that they’ll unsubscribe. 

Write a Guest Post or Contribute

Blog posts and niche publications in your industry are always looking out for content. 

You can submit your content for free or be transparent to them that you want to promote a particular product. The most important thing here is pitching an idea and then letting them know why their readers will love it. 

Constantly A/B Testing

A/B testing is the process wherein you compare two various versions of a webpage. You can do this by placing one version of a page to half of your visitors. Then the other half sees a different version. You can then measure the pages against each other based on the particular parameters you see best. 

Similarly, you can also run A/B tests and split tests to boost your conversion rate. By doing so, you can enhance the user experience. By consistently improving your conversion rate, you’ll slowly improve your site revenue. 

Place your site navigation, checkout process, and product descriptions through tests. Generally, one of the best ways to boost your revenue is to make more money from your existing site traffic. 

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Driving traffic to your site is expensive, with ads burning a hole in your pocket. One way to bring in revenue without a hike in traffic is to ensure that you get repeat customers. 

One of the best ways to keep a customer coming back to your site is to offer an excellent customer experience the moment they step into your platform. 

Excellent customer experience includes a site that’s easy to navigate, has solid policies and great products, and after-sales service. After-sales service is one of the most common reasons why brands lose out on returning customers. They cannot follow up their products with an equally excellent customer care system. 

Customer cases usually involve handling returns and how easy it is for other people to contact your business. 

Personalized Messaging

Messages that are personalized come across as heartfelt. It makes people special, appreciated, and feel great about themselves. That’s precisely what you want your customers to feel. 

So make sure you incorporate this messaging in your ads, emails, landing pages, and site pop ups. So, never underestimate the power of personalized messaging, as it can work wonders in making prospects more eager to purchase from you. 

Use Scarcity Strategies

Visitors are more likely to purchase if you have a product with a limited supply or for sale within a limited period. That’s because they’re not sure when the items will be available at that price or if they’ll ever be available again!

Here are some of the ways that you can use scarcity to your advantage to boost sales:

When you incorporate scarcity in your marketing strategy, you can boost your click-through rates by 14% and double your sales.

The best thing is that it’s easy to implement. All you need to do is to put a pop-up on certain pages along with a coupon code or a brief message asking users to take advantage of the offer. 

Reduce Cart Abandonment

If you’re an ecommerce store owner, this probably rings a bell. You can notify that someone filled their cart with items from your store. But suddenly, at the last minute, that visitor abandons their cart without going through with the purchase. 

This probably happens more often than you like. Fortunately, there are effective ways that you can do to minimize cart abandonment. 

For example, adding exit pop-ups makes visitors think twice before they click that ‘x’ button. 

Adding these pop-ups will detect users moving their mouse away from your store. It also allows them to push through the tempting offer and complete the sale. 

Show Off Your Best-Selling Items

What does the landing page on your ecommerce site look like? Ideally, it should showcase some of the best-selling products from your ecommerce store. This is because it’s the first thing that visitors will see, and it can make an excellent first impression. 

When you showcase your best-selling stuff on your front page: 

Moreover, these products also sell more for a reason. That’s why you need to use them to leverage your power and entice more people to your store. 

Showcase Your Reviews

The majority of your customers use them to make informed decisions. If you’re not tapping into reviews, you could potentially lose a large chunk of that potential income. 

Adding product ratings is one of the best ways to leverage reviews. Also, ensure that you remind buyers to leave you a review, or they might not think of doing it themselves. 

Another way that you can use reviews to your advantage is by reaching out to loyal customers or people that have bought from you repeatedly, asking them for testimonials. 

Testimonials differ from reviews since they’re not related to a particular product. This creates trust in your brand as a whole. They may also recommend your site’s overall shopping experience. 

You can also utilize your email list when reaching out for testimonials, as this is usually one of the best places to find loyal customers. As soon as you have them, publish them on your landing page. Doing so makes you instantly trustworthy to new visitors. 

Furthermore, they work better if you display the real name and photo since prospects can immediately identify it as a real person. 

Use a Live Chat Feature

Live chat is one of the best ecommerce tools that may sound a bit challenging to implement. However, it’s a lot simpler than you think it is. 

There are times that visitors want to purchase something from you. However, they might have a burning question that needs to be answered first before they can proceed with the purchase. 

Also, if you’re making customers jump through hoops before getting in touch with you, they’re more likely to click away. Let’s say a user wants to know if the jeans you’re selling are true to size or if they need to size up.

To get in touch with you, they have to click the contact page, copy your email, open their email app, and pop a question. That’s a lot of steps! If you’re taking visitors away from your ecommerce store, it might cost you a sale. 

Moreover, 77% of customers are unwilling to buy from a site if there’s no live chat option. On the other hand, if you have a live chat tool integrated into your site, and customers can quickly get in touch with someone from your team, it doesn’t add that friction. 

In other words, live chat is one of the best ways that you can create connections between potential buyers and your brand. Usually, these live chat boxes can be used to prompt site visitors to interact with you. 

Offer Multiple Payment Options

The last thing you want is for customers to exit your site because their preferred payment option isn’t there. 

Different payment options will prevent this from happening, especially on mobile. So make sure you include mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, and PayPal. 

Ensure that you provide a wide variety of payment methods for your customers. You also need to pay attention to any customer requests and concerns about this. 

Run Promotions

People love to get a good deal. So make sure you run promotions that include flash sales, discounts, coupons, limited-time offers, etc. Offering these can help you drive your sales and boost brand awareness simultaneously.

A great deal can also encourage old buyers to make a purchase. It will also boost your conversion rates and help you generate more sales in the long run. 

You can increase sales by creating long-term value through your products and offering customers a smooth site experience. 

Give an Excellent Delivery Service

A product may be sitting on a visitor’s cart, but they might leave once they look at the shipping fees. Again, cart abandonment is an ongoing problem for many business owners. 

Extra charges, like high shipping costs, are the main culprits for cart abandonment. Aside from that, steep shipping fees take away a good product and a smooth site experience. Free shipping is one of the best ways to get more customers. 

If this is your budget, then you might opt for cart-based incentives. This includes free shipping for bundled items or a minimum value in the cart. 

Furthermore, incentives such as average order value boost profits and fight cart abandonment. Not only that but people will also more likely pay for additional items to avail of that free shipping.

Create Buyer Personas 

People visiting your site usually leave out information that will help you develop “personas.” You’ll know more about your customers when you dig into reviews and analytics and look for patterns. 

You can then use it to enhance your site experience and boost ecommerce sales. Aside from studying customers’ data, you can also ask for their feedback through surveys. 

You should constantly gather customer feedback and use this information to boost customer experience. Doing so allows you to find any issues in your sales funnel as you generate more revenue. 

Utilize Data to Enhance Your Strategy

You can also use behavioral data to determine why prospective leads aren’t converting. Analytics data lets you zero in on the same page or element where you lose customers. 

Another way that you can boost your revenues is via segmentation. You can do this by segmenting your customers based on what they bought. Moreover, by tracking the products that visitors are browsing, you can cross-sell and upsell. 

Similarly, you can cross-sell and upsell visitors by introducing more expensive items often bought along with the product. Amazon, for instance, always does this. They show items you’re purchasing and send you offers for complementary products via emails after you make the purchase. 

Leverage Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is important for ecommerce stores because it can help drive traffic and sales to the store. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer or sale generated by their marketing efforts. Ecommerce stores can benefit from affiliate marketing by partnering with affiliates who have an audience or following that is interested in the products or services offered by the store. The affiliates can promote the store and its products on their websites, social media channels, or other platforms, and earn a commission on any sales they generate. This can help the ecommerce store reach a wider audience and increase its sales, without having to invest heavily in advertising and marketing.


Pop-ups work so well with ecommerce stores. Just make sure that they’re not intrusive! That’s because the last thing you want is to turn off customers browsing things in your store. 

Build Trust With Trust Seals

Trust plays a vital role in the buying decision of your customers. People will usually determine whether or not your site is trustworthy in just a couple of seconds of clicking on it. 

Well-known brands earn the trust of their customers easily since everyone recognizes them instantly. However, if you’re starting, you can’t rely on brand recognition to gain that trust. 

If you want to take your trust-building efforts to the next level, consider getting trust seals. Simply put, these icons show that you’re a legitimate business. There are plenty of trust seals that you can get. Not only that, trust deals can significantly decrease cart abandonment and boost sales. 

Compelling Product Descriptions and Photos

Many users will only scan words on sites, hardly reading the whole content of the page. That’s why you should make product descriptions easy to read. Make sure you use bullet points, subheadings, readable fonts, and plenty of white space. 

Now, how do you create product descriptions that make the sale? Think about a single person that embodies the buyer’s persona. What are this person’s hobbies and interests? 

Asking yourself these questions allows you to come up with the right tone that you can use in your writing. Is it going to be funny, conversational, professional, or serious? Well, it all depends on what buyers usually find engaging to them. 

Aside from compelling product descriptions, make your product photos as enticing as well! You can always hire a professional or invest in photo editing software if you have some extra budget. 

Over to You

So there you have it. These are some of the best strategies to increase conversions and boost your ecommerce sales. 

On its own, every one of these strategies on this list is quite effective. But when you implement them together, they’re rocket fuel for your ecommerce sales.

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Juliette Anderson

Juliette Anderson is an Outreach Community Specialist for an e-commerce fulfillment company that specializes in partnering with online sellers who have an average parcel weight of 5+ pounds or greater. She works hand-in-hand with e-commerce stores to achieve optimal sales for four years already. Her specialty lies in social media marketing and paid promotions.

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