Do You Like Saving Money? Capsulink PRO Prevents an Annoying Expense

Capsulink - Do You Like Saving Money? Capsulink PRO Prevents an Annoying Expense

Just about every new business goes through one or more name changes during stages of development and launch. And with every name change comes the same task list: register a new domain name, reroute visitors from the old domain name, and maintain each site to ensure that potential customers don’t get lost. A startup can go through several name changes, adding up to a staggering monthly bill for renewing and maintaining old domain names.

But why waste your money on names that don’t even apply to your business anymore?

With Capsulink PRO, you can ensure that visitors to your old domain will be redirected to your current domain. Even if you let your old domain registration lapse, the capsulated link will take care of everything. If you like saving money (and who doesn’t?), Capsulink PRO is a must-have service for your business.

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Alexander Bickov

Alexander Bickov is a digital product designer with over 15 years’ of experience in UX/UI design and digital marketing. Through his work, he aims to connect people and products using strategy, creativity and technology. Alexander has built digital services and products for many different organizations ranging from small startups to large companies. His projects has been featured in the iOS App Store, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Business Insider, Forbes and Big Think. You can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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All-in-one Custom URL shortener that allows you to gain deeper control over your links. Includes Smart links, Branded links, API URL shortener and more.