Is Email Becoming a Luxury Marketing Channel?

Is Email Becoming a Luxury Marketing Channel?

A meta data analysis of the predictions by industry experts for the upcoming year has been carried out by Gerald Marshall. Overall, it appears to be very promising for the channel, as the saturation of social media marketing has developed somewhat of a distrust. Hence, it is believed that Email will become the main tool to grow sales. Here are the recent developments of Email marketing that has worked to facilitate the channel:


Starting out the Email by using recipient’s first name and including it in the middle of a paragraph have not only diminished the ‘’unsubscribe’’ rates, but also have helped establishing a personal bond with customers. 6 Ideas for an Effective Holiday Email Marketing CampaignCongratulating your customer on birthday or wishing Merry Christmas works for a great Email marketing campaign.

Customer Experience

How to Write Emails That Actually Convert

Marketers are starting to realize that baiting subscriptions is not the way to go. Customers subscribe hoping to receive Emails that live up to their expectations. And if they don’t, they just unsubscribe.


How AI-Powered Content Marketing Will Improve Your Business

Not only Email marketing is becoming more convenient to carry out thanks to the power of AI, but it also provides new horizons. Predictive Email marketing has been used by giants like Aliexpress, eBay and Amazon for a while now. Since people are used to the practice, it’s expected to become more common to generate sales.

Lifetime Value

Email still remains as an essential direct-to-customer communication channel. Since the focus of majority of businesses is to establish long-term relationship with the customers, the importance of short-term conversions is decreasing. And Email is here, to fill in the spot.

It might appear that the oldest online communication channel is on the second rise and is coming back to power. Should you drop your current marketing practices and go all in on this one? Definitely not! The mix and segmentation of marketing activities are still the keys to success.

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Linda Vecvagare

Linda Vecvagare is a marketing expert at Mediaplans digital agency with 5 years of experience in the communications industry. She has a proven track record of creating and managing content to build relationships for organizations in the fields of technology, education, trade and services.

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